The New Martin Pubic Library launched a new fundraising campaign earlier this week offering personalized bricks for purchase that will be part of the new library's entrance.
The new "Pave the Way" campaign allows donors to put their name, business name, or the name of a person they wish to honor on a brick. The purpose of this campaign is to create a personalized entrance for the new library which will display donors' names permanently as well as serve as a fundraiser for The Martin Library Foundation.
Wendall Alexander Realty, a local business, has made a donation to cover all of the campaign's costs. This will allow for 100% of the proceeds to go directly to the library.
There are 200 4"x8" bricks and 50 8"x8" bricks available for purchase. The 4"x8" bricks allow for up to three lines of up to 18 characters, while the 8"x8" bricks offer up to six lines with up to 18 characters per line.
Bricks can be purchased at or order forms can be picked up from The Color Shop, Higher Ground, Harper's Wrecker Service, Martin's - Coffee & Bakery, La Cabaña, Scott Taylor - State Farm Insurance, St. Charles Flowers & Gifts, Martin City Hall, Vowell & Sons, Warner Pace Interiors, Whitledge and Biehslich, PLLC, Unger and Goodwin, and Wendell Alexander Realty.
Orders will be available now until early March.