Campus Recreation's Circuit Fit class is getting a new look on Tuesday. The class that meets at 6:30 a.m. is usually taught by Matt Gunn, but on Oct. 29, three Skyhawk football players will put their teaching skills to the test.
"I'm so excited. It's really going to be a fun time," said Gunn.
To celebrate both Homecoming and Halloween, Julian Crutchfield, Terry Fultz and Malik Harris will teach the workout class. The group will go out to the football field for the morning workout.
Campus Rec hosts pop-up classes such as this one on a regular basis to encourage participation in group fitness.
"Coming to a group fitness class is such a great way to encourage one another to be fit and be active," Gunn said.
The class normally features a MyZone heart rate monitor screen (the belts can be purchased by participants for $50) and the application will be hooked up to the big screen that morning. Participants don't have to buy the belt to participate in the workout.
Gunn is excited to see how different this class can be. Even though the class is so early, he's always excited for the mornings.
"I know people are relying on me to set up their class and I rely on them. Their energy, their joy in the mornings is something I look forward to every time I come to class."
Gunn's class meets every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 a.m. until Dec. 5.