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Changes coming to the ACT

Students all around America are celebrating ACT's most recent announcement. The Washington Post reported that the college admission exam will now allow test-takers to retake just one portion of the exam rather than the full exam.

This is the first time in the tests 60 year history that the one-section retake is an option.

The full three-hour exam includes multiple choice sections covering English, math, reading and science. Students can opt into a writing portion that takes another 40 minutes.

ACT officials hope to save students time by making this fundamental change to the test-taking process. Ideally, students will be able to focus on the subjects that need the most improvement.

The maximum score on the ACT is a 36. However, a 36 isn't necessarily perfect. Depending on the section, one can miss up to five questions and still get that highest score.

Students bound for the Ivy League should strive for a 32 or higher on their ACTs. The average score on the ACT is 20.8.

The average of the individual sections range from 20 to 22.

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