A day of service performed by members of Alpha Kappa Alpha and Alpha Omicron Pi Saturday made local dogs very happy by turning old t-shirts into dog toys for the local dog rescues.

Once a month The Office of Student Life and Multicultural Affairs hosts a “Service Saturday” and it gives students the opportunity to get more involved on campus and provides service opportunities.
Members of Alpha Omicron Pi try to attend Service Saturday every month.
Vice President of Administration, Sydney Roney said, "We had so much fun making the dog toys and we actually made one for Dr. Carver’s dog. So, it’ll be very exciting to see his reaction when we give it to him. It is also cool to see other organizations come out as well.”
Assistant Director of Student Life, Chris Gunlefinger, hopes to get more students
“The whole idea is to turn a day off to a day on. We were super excited about this
because it is always a great event. If you want to get involved contact anyone in The
Office of Student Life and Multicultural Affairs,” said Gunlefinger.
Over 40 dog toys were made. The Office of Student Life and Multicultural Affairs will be taking the dog toys to Karin’ for Kritters Rescue & Shelter in Greenfield, TN.