Violent protests have raged for days in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito. It's so bad, CNN reported, that the country's President says he's moving the government out of town.
President Lenin Moreno announced earlier this week that government business will be conducted in the city of Guayaquil. People have been protesting to end state fuel subsidies. More than 50 members of the country's military were held hostage by protesters before they were rescued.
US Troops move out of Syria
Turkey's communication director says its military will cross the border into Northern Syria. According to CNN, President Trump this week agreed to move US troops out of that part of Syria so Turkey can attack Kurdish forces.
Critics on both the political left and the right say Trump's decision to abandon the Kurds, who have been instrumental in the US fight against ISIS, is betrayal.
Impeachment Inquiry
The White House sent a harsh letter to House leaders saying the Trump administration won't cooperate in the impeachment inquiry.
Yesterday, the State Department blocked Gordon Sondland, US ambassador to the European Union, from testifying before Congress about the Ukraine controversy.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi must decide to take the fight to the courts or move quickly in drafting articles of impeachment.
Sexually transmitted diseases
STDs are on the rise in the US. Cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis have all risen for the fifth consecutive year, a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.
CNN reported that possible factors driving this rise include a surge in people getting tested and cases being diagnosed and reported. There's also a decline in people using condoms.
The number of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea cases is also growing. Alaska has the highest number of chlamydia cases, while Mississippi has the highest rates of gonorrhea. Nevada has the highest rates of primary and secondary syphilis.